3 tips for new ventures with a PR spin

You may never have heard of Max Gouchan, but would you pay attention if we told you the Norwegian entrepreneur started his own oil company at the age of 18, and is now a massive international success? Recently, he gave a keynote speech in which he outlined 3 struggles he overcame, and the lessons for new ventures this success taught him.
Ronn Torossian, CEO of 5WPR, and one of the top public relations minds in NYC, takes Gouchan’s tips, and adds a priceless PR touch.

#1 – Lack of Knowledge

Initially, Gouchan says he felt he could not do what he wanted to do. He lacked the engineering knowledge, and if he went and got that knowledge, he faced a ten-year delay. Torossian says there is a similar struggle brands face in the PR industry. They want to get the word out, but they don’t have the knowledge, or the time to acquire it. Both Gouchan, and Torossian have the same answer: Find someone who does. Don’t struggle with your limits. Find the best possible person you can and get them working on what you cannot.
#2 – Lack of Money

Gouchan says the money is out there if you know where to look, and are willing to keep asking. Torossian agrees. The press coverage is out there. Media needs to fill time slots, and column inches, so they need stories. When you need money, you need to find an investor who appreciates, and is willing to support what you are doing. When you need press coverage, you need to find the right publication. One that will support you and feels your story is one worth investing in. There is no secret to this, or insider trick.

It will take work, and you will hear  “no” many times, before you get a “yes.” But if you don’t quit, and you are willing to learn from your mistakes, you will get that yes.

#3 – Lack of Time

Gouchan said he wanted to get to the end of his life, and not have regrets. He wanted to do what he wanted to do, so he made time to pursue his dreams. Torossian says, if you want to look back on your business’ reputation and have more PR wins than losses, you have to make the time to do it right. Just like with your time, if you are lazy about your approach to public relations, time will go by, and you will not reach your goals. But that time is going to go by no matter what you do. Why not invest it in a plan that will produce results?

“It’s just like a New Years resolution.” Torossian said, “Millions will promise to diet, and get in better shape next year, but only about 3 percent will actually succeed. Similarly, millions of companies will plan to use PR to grow next year, but they will not craft a plan and work that plan, so they will finish the year without seeing that growth.”
“It’s a simple equation, really, but your ‘want to’ has to conquer your doubts, your lack, and your comfort zone.”

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